Product Sharpening: Feedback for

This is the gorgeous marketing page of It’s a smart take on logo design services and so this is some feedback not on the design but on the offering and how it can be improved.

The top of the logology page shows off a variety of logo styles

Is it a Logo-Design Service or is it a Product?

It’s a self-serve product. You answer some questions and out pops some logos for you. Pick one you like, add to cart, pay, and you got a nice logo for cheap.

This is smart. Normally, getting a logo designed comes with some of these common anxieties: a high price, possibility of bad surprises, bad communication with the designer, etc.

Their take is different. Logology automates the process of picking a logo using some artificial intelligence, taking care of those common anxieties. But another anxiety is created in the process, and it can be fixed.

I don’t know how to describe my brand, so the AI can suggest some logos.

Let’s tour the rest of the page, let’s talk about anxieties, and what can be done.

First off, at the top there’s a preview of some of the logo styles. We’ll come back to why that’s genius below.

Then: we see the logos are made by a seasoned designer…

More logo styles and a note about the designer's experience

There’s automatic matching of logo with your company’s brand…

A bit about the fact that the logo is created based on a questionnaire you fill

And here’s the price reveal (cheap!)…

The price reveal and how to get started

Through the Lens of The Forces of Progress

Let’s revisit the site through the lens of the Forces of Progress - what goes on in the mind of the visitor when deliberating a purchase. If the top two forces clear the bottom two forces, you got a sale.

Forces Diagram

Struggle of the Moment

Does it catch the struggle the visitor is likely going through when falling on the site? This is the initial momentum that made a person get from “maybe later” to “now’s the time”.

  • ⚬→ I’m in the process of putting together a company and I’m no good at designing logos.
  • ⚬→ I don’t know any good logo designers that will understand the styles I like.
  • ⚬→ Logo design is so expensive and I’m not sure I have the cash to go on a wild goose chase.

So far so good. The product is based on all three of those struggles.

Attraction of the Solution

  • →⚬ I like these styles!
  • →⚬ I’ll be able to get a logo for cheap.
  • →⚬ For my company, I want a site that looks good just like this site.
  • →⚬ These folks are professionals.

At this point, it’s a winner. But there’s always going to be anxieties.

Anxieties of the Solution

  • ←⚬ What will be part of this questionnaire?
  • ←⚬ What if none of the logos they propose are good for me?
  • ←⚬ I don’t know how to describe my brand just yet.

That last one is interesting. We’ll come back to it below.

Habits of the Present

These are the “I’ll just” statements, the real competitor for any product or service.

  • ⚬← I’ll just design something myself using these styles from the home page, it can’t be that hard.
  • ⚬← I’ll just continue thinking about it

You can tell the folks of have at heart to compete against that first “I’ll just” statement. So many times people bail on logo design.

But do the top two forces clearly outweigh the bottom two forces?

Not quite. But we can sort of fix that.

Option #1 on Fixing the Forces - Catch the Unprepared.

Before I started the questionnaire, and all while completing it, I was feeling a very hard push-back:

I don’t know how to describe my brand, so the AI can suggest some logos.

This presents a big opportunity:

The biggest opportunity with logology is that it offers only one product.

As we saw in the article How Can I Pitch a Bolder, More Edgy Consulting Engagement?, a buyer will feel more comfortable choosing among multiple options.

In this case, since the anxiety of being unprepared to talk branding is so strong, I see a free guide on how to prepare to answer the questionnaire.

I don’t have the time right now to answer a 16-part questionnaire!

At any point during the process, the visitor could bail out of the process by taking that document with them. This resolves the anxiety and it offers a way for the visitor to “hire” an “I’ll just do it myself” free product that is still tied to When they’ll be ready, they’ll have their answers and they’ll come back to complete the questionnaire.

Option #2 on Fixing the Forces - Help Those Who Want to Hire The Designer

For those who are clearing the top forces, are on board, love the styles, are delighted about what an incredible deal this is…

But don’t like any of the logos presented.

Yet they trust the designer.

Let me hire the designer!

Throughout the process (not just at the end), I’d consider having a way to let the visitor contact the designer for a custom logo. Be clear about availability and the pricing, maybe offer a day rate for quick tweaks and a high-price all-out engagement.

So all in all a product that starts off by addressing some core Forces of Progress like a champ, and with a couple new offerings, could make compete against


Stay Sharp!

Update: I’m having a chat with the app designers in this thread if you’d like to chime in.


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